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Diferenças serias entre Barragens de água e de rejeitos CONFERENCIA ESPECIAL I – Simpósio Barragens de Rejeitos e Disposição de Resíduos Ind. e de Mineracao – Vol. 2 – pp.4-43 – Nov 1987admin2023-07-05T14:49:14+00:00
Embankments Chapter 44, Ground Engineer’s Reference Book by. F.G.Bell Butterworths, 1987 1987admin2023-07-05T14:49:01+00:00
Engineering Geological Problems related to Hydraulic and Hydroelectric developments GENERAL REPORT – Theme 4 – Session 1 – 5th Intern.Congress on Engineering Geology-IAEG, Buenos Aires, Out/1986, páginas 2657-2670 1986admin2023-07-05T14:48:42+00:00
Instabilizações de taludes de enrocamentos. Reapreciações conceituais 2nd. LIÇÃO MANUEL ROCHA – Revista GEOTECNIA,Nov/1985 n. 47 – páginas 1-48 1985admin2023-07-05T14:48:29+00:00
Peculiarities of in situ”behavior of tropical lateritic and Saprolitic Soils in their natural conditions dam foundations GENERAL REPORT-Session 3.4 -Tropicals’ 85 – 1st International Conference on Geomechanics in Tropical Lateritic and Saprolitic Soils, Brasilia, 1985, Vol.4, páginas 73-104 1985admin2023-07-05T14:48:15+00:00
Grouting of canaliculae in Residual Soils and behavior of the Foundations of Balbina dam Tropicals’ 85 – 1st International Conference on Geomechanics in Tropical Lateritic and Saprolitic Soils, Brasilia, 1985, Vol 1, páginas 385-390 1985admin2023-07-05T14:48:01+00:00
Problems and Solutions for Embankment Dam Foundations on Weathered Soil Horizons and Cracked Rocks III Seminário Colombiano de Geotecnia, Bogota, Ago/1984, páginas 9.1-9.22 1984admin2023-07-05T14:47:47+00:00
Concrete gravity dam foundations: an open case of geomechanical interaction, structure-foundation and theory-practice 4th Australian-New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics V.1-pp.1-19-May-1984 1984admin2023-07-05T14:47:31+00:00
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